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Snowpiercer Wiki

The Year Three Rebellion occurred three years after Snowpiercer departed Chicago. According to Andre Layton, the Tailies fought like an army, but had no idea what was in each car as they proceeded uptrain, as they had never been that far. It is unknown how successful this revolt was or how far exactly they made it uptrain, but they seem to know about the battery cars and sanitation due to sanitation duties and previous revolts. During this revolution, the Tailies used fertilizer bombs created by Lights. Only the Tailie War Council knew of the existence of Lights' cookbook containing recipes for bombs and other such weapons.


Layton: "Y'all remember the year three rebellion? We fought like an army, but we were blind at every door. We had no help from the other side. Sixty-two dead."
Old Ivan: "Thirteen arms taken in punishment."
―  The Tailies discussing another rebellion in First, the Weather Changed.
During the Year Three Rebellion, the Tailies smuggled in these same materials.
— Till talking to Sykes when they examine the materials stolen in Born to Bleed.